Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 17 - "I'm sending Daddy pennies."

I have been the worst Army wife! I have sent a total of 1 package and 2 letters so far! I know some wives who have mailed something everyday and M2 says he has mailed something to me everyday. Ugh. I need to get on top of this mailing thing. Last deployment I did all the mailing and M2 hardly mailed me a thing! (M2 this is not pay back, I promise!) Something inside me says mailing him something means it is all real. I am committing him to being gone for at least 3 weeks because that is how long mail takes to get to him. You are all probably laughing now! Yet, this is how I deal :)!

Today I decided it should be a mailing day. My sweet boy mailed Daddy a map so that Daddy could find his way home ...

Our, oh so smart and super compassionate, oldest came to me with an envelope that was pretty heavy and very lopsided! I asked her what was in it and she said, "Pennies, for the poor people that Daddy is helping."!

M2 and I both read Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson. It is a wonderful read and I highly recommend it. There is a child's version as well that "E" read. She loved it. There is an organization that Greg started where children raise pennies to help build and supply schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan. I believe that Mr. Mortenson has hit the nail on the head on what can bring about a more peaceful place over there - education. Real education. When a child reads the whole world opens up to them. They can read their religion for themselves and decide what they think it calls them to do. Young men can get jobs that are decent instead of being forced to go to training camps so that they can send home money to their families to survive. Education is key. I really like what this guy is doing! I was so pleased to see that "E" does as well! (Even if I am pretty sure her 15 pennies may not make that long trip in that tiny envelope and even if that's not exactly what her daddy is up to!)

And oh, one more thing ... M2 I CANNOT figure out the scanner :(! But, as I opened it to attempt a try I found this ...

I love you, too!

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