Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Today is another worn down, so tired I can't think straight, day. I should feel lucky! I went 12 days this time in between complete fatigue fall out!

I woke up this morning already extremely tired since I am still having issues falling asleep. I thought these falling asleep problems would get better with time. But I have friends well into their second month who are still telling me they have a hard time getting to sleep at night :(! I might have to start incorporating a nap into my day!

M2 has been telling me I need to have the kids help more around the house so that I am not getting as bogged down with stuff to do and that would alleviate the fatigue.

I think he is right ... but this is how that looks in real life.

1. Allowing the 5 year old to have the "safe" scissors to cut his own work out resulted in hair everywhere and a now bald 5 year old.

2. Asking the 5 year old to help the youngest clean her room resulted in a broken lamp and broken CD player.

3. Asking the 5 year old to go dump the dust pan for mommy resulted in piles of dirt through out the newly swept house.

4. Asking the 5 year old to take his dirty clothes and put them in the washer resulted in a pull up also being misplaced in washer and getting washed. WHICH THEN resulted in tiny, squishy, diaper balls ALL.OVER.THE.CLOTHES!

5. All of the above resulted in Mommy being VERY tired and sending the 5 year old outside to play during chore time for now on!

Sometimes it's easier on us to just do it ourselves!

Hurray for ONE month down, though! That is something to be celebrated!!!


  1. Sounds like that 5 year old is a little hell-ion :)

  2. I hate the diaper balls--with every ounce of passion inside of me.
    This has happened to us 3x now. :(

  3. Just started reading. Adding you to my daily reading blog roll. :)

    Praying for you. Keep it up!

  4. Thanks everyone for the comments!
