Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 42/43 - Fun weekend!

I had a GREAT weekend! I really wish that M2 would have been able to enjoy it with me! I am blessed to have so many wonderful friends to share it with.

A group of my friends got together a Polar Plunge team to raise money for the Special Olympics. It was a lot of fun. We were lucky enough to be able to dress in the Army's new Multi Cam for the costume contest part of the Plunge! WE WON!!!

Here is a glance at the totally rocking outfits!

Just look at the hilarious facial expressions as we jumped! It was excruciatingly painful!

On the way home we helped a stranded motorcyclist! We 5 Army wives hoisted the broken down thing up into the back of the truck and got him to where he was going. Poor guy! Days like Saturday are what deployments are made out of! It's great to look back and even though you remember the sadness of separation you can also have some great memories to semi-make up for it!

After having such an eventful Saturday, the kids and I laid low and got the house back under control today! B came home forever ago with a project to decorate a bear. It's due tomorrow so we spent a lot of time today getting it done. True M2 style - last minute! I asked him awhile ago what he wanted his bear to be dressed up as and he said C3P0.

This is the best this Mommy could do!

That was our weekend in a nutshell! Thanks to all who donated to the Plunge! Thanks to all the girls that came. It was a truly GREAT day! Also, HUGE thanks to my wonderful, awesome babysitter! You ROCK!

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