Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 25 - blah

I decided to blog early today because I just want to get this day over with.

M2 finally borrowed a webcam and skyped where I could see him. I am not super thrilled with his timing though because he picked the time he needed to deliver some bad news to be the only time I have gotten to see him. Not a pleasant experience.

I still love you even with your bad timing :).

So, today is going down as one of the worst days so far. Sorry to be so negative. But it is what it is and I want to sit here and throw a tantrum. So that is exactly what I am going to do!

I usually keep very positive in public about the Army. It's like talking bad about family - even if you can't stand them it's still wrong! In lieu of that all I have to say is please get your act together!

Day 26 best be better!

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