Here's a few snippets from my day! Bear with me as I am going to recount them in a jumbled, messy order!
EL and I are hardly EVER separated! She does not go to school and is attached to my hip all day and night. (Yes, I am still letting her "keep Daddy's pillow warm".) When I was feeling sad she asked me, "Mommy are you sad" and I said "Yes I am sad about Daddy. Are you sad about Daddy too?" She responded with "No I'm not sad about Daddy. I know he will come back to me." There is a reason she is the joy in my day!
Today a friend took EL shopping with her while I had an errand to run. Poor friend left the store with a few things she had not intended to buy! Every time I take EL to the store by herself I always leave having gone over budget!
E has several friends now whose Dads are home for R&R. She has been very sad about it. I keep telling her not that much longer and she will see her Daddy too! She asked me when and I told her the Army will tell us when. She demanded I call them (the Army) right that minute and find out when! If ONLY you could call the Army and get answers! We'd all like that!
Someone in B's life must say, "Praise the Lord" because as we were driving he says, "Praise the Lord this light is green. Mommy doesn't have to run it now!". So maybe I ran a few red lights right after M2 left!!! Why do they have to learn red means stop so darn early!
Tonight I got a HUGE splinter in my foot. The kids always scream and fight me when they get splinters and I need to remove them. I found this to be a great time to call them all in and let them watch me remove my own splinter so they could see it doesn't really hurt! They were all excited to watch. Did I say it was HUGE?! Yeah - well I screamed like a baby!
And finally - in 2 more days I will be on my way to a sunny, HOT, beach to RELAX!!!!
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