Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 50 - Wow!!

50 days down.

Last week I would have posted that it has seemed like he just left. After the stress and circumstances of this last week have settled in I would have to say it seems right now like he has been gone forever. My world changed forever this past week - realizing what our men do and go through and the pain and sacrifice of our families. Of course I have thought of all of this before but this past week it was made real for me. The fact that this shift within myself happened and he was not here to experience that with me almost feels unnerving. I am sure he has changed in his own ways which I am not privy to just from sheer distance.

I am ever so ready to see his face again. Yet, I feel guilty when I let myself think that that might be a possibility before too long because it will not be that way for all of these dear girls I have grown to love. Knowing that if M2 gets to come back early I will feel relief like never before yet at the SAME time I will feel a tremendous sadness for my friends who will endure longer separations.

This past week has ended and a new one has started. I am anticipating great things for the week ahead!

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