Saturday, January 15, 2011

Let's roll!

Today was one of the hardest days I have yet to endure. I wished beyond wishing that it would not come. I went as far as asking God if the theory behind "Groundhog Day" was possible ~ and if so could I just wake up and relive Friday over and over and over ... I hate that movie.

It did come ... and here it is ...

That man right there, I love him more than words can describe. And I will not be the same without him by my side.

How so very true.

I sat here and planned on making this first post full of all the reasons I want to start this blog in the first place. But of course I cried instead. So I will just attach this disclaimer ~ I married a very tech-savvy man so that I would never have to use a computer by myself. Just getting this set up by myself made me feel like an MIT graduate :)! And ignore my grammar - it sucks! Seriously, I just had to spell check "grammar"! With all that aside, my plan will be to blog every night so that 1. M2 (the hubby) can experience this year through my words and 2. Others reading can get a little dose of what our families go through for your "rights"!

This will definitely be a journey full of grief and laughter and every day of it will bring me one step closer to holding that man in my arms again.

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