Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 3 "Acceptance brings ..."

I like the feeling of acceptance. I was actually there over a month ago. I had fully accepted that this was happening to us and I felt fine - at peace. Then the waiting game started and somewhere in all of the waiting, acceptance walked out my front door. I know what acceptance feels like and how incredibly important it is! So, I KNEW when I woke up this morning I was back at acceptance. Several things happened that confirmed this feeling. First, I woke up in an incredibly good mood despite the fact that I had a 2 am bed wetter.

(Let me just say something right here. There are a lot of things that Matt takes care of when he is home - the dishes, the trash, switching laundry AND when the middle child wakes up at 2 am with a wet bed he deals with it. I just realized last night what all that entails. First off you have to actually get out of your comfy warm bed (this was the hardest part), then you have to go strip the child's sheets and take them to the basement AT NIGHT! There is a man who lives down there when Matt is out of town so that part is creepy! Then redress the bed. Ugh it sucks. And I love him all the more for doing it!)

Second, M2 let me know that he would be able to skype me before he left to the "maybe no communication" zone. We did something you should NEVER do - we set a skype date! 8ish am my time. I got up early, took a shower (yay me) and put on makeup and a cute shirt. I decided leaving the PJ bottoms on would be fine since you can only see the waist up! Ate breakfast, gathered my laptop and coffee and was sitting on the couch at exactly 8. And no joke - at 8:02 I lost power! I cried and threw a tantrum that resulted in me losing it on my dear neighbor when she called JUST to ask if my power was out as well. But then I got it together, emailed from my blackberry that I could not make the skype thing, loaded the kids in the car and went grocery shopping. I knew I had a sense of acceptance. Two days ago I would have laid in bed and cried the entire day and felt the world was definitely against me. It would have just NOT BEEN FAIR! But an hour later I was actually able to laugh at the irony of the situation. I mean because lets face it - that's pretty darn funny when you get past the sad.

When you finally get to a place of acceptance, whether losing a loved one to death or losing a loved one for a year to a war, then even when you are sad your life goes on.

And to end my day of acceptance - M2 got "accepted" to a job (still with the Army) he applied for months ago. One we had almost given up on. That may be a unique thing about acceptance when dealing with the Army. When you hit a point of acceptance they are sure
to change things up for you :)!

I had a wonderful day! It was productive and happy and I feel your prayers and thoughts - thank you all for your support. My night ended with a great get together with all my FRG friends! I want to say this in a public forum so everyone will know. YOU GIRLS ROCK!!

And M2 - if you are able to read this -I love this quote and I knew you were going to get the job all along!

“A true man never frets about his place in the world, but just slides into it by the gravitation of his nature, and swings there as easily as a star.” - edwin hubbel chapin


  1. My prayers are with you and your family and loved reading about how you went on with your life and laughed at it and mocked your bad luck on your blog. Congrats on the new job again but i will say this only here and only once so as not to be unfair to you... it is going to be hard to see you leave.

  2. Thanks Ayse, I don't have my heart set that we will leave just yet! I still am skeptical when it comes to the Army :)!! But if and when we do - this has been the neatest/greatest group of girls I have had the privilege to know!
