Last night I was able to spend almost 7 hours outside of the house kid free with all my favorite girls! We had a BLAST!
We went to see Water For Elephants and then to a Japanese Steakhouse for "supper" (yes, that's what it's called - don't know what this "dinner" thing is!) and ended the evening with a late night pie run to Frisch's "Baby" Boy. I think it is actually suppose to be Big Boy but we have one girl in the group who insisted on calling it Baby Boy!
All of these girls are currently going through this deployment so it was VERY nice to get to see them all laugh and smile and look care free for the moment!
I am a huge proponent of inside jokes. I love them. I know it annoys the heck out of all the people that do not have a clue as to what is being said but it's always nice to have something that just one group can relate to or identify with. Makes the memories more unique and special.
So some VERY good one liners from last night ...
"... and that's why we were outside humping big boy ... "
"like hand blown glass ..."
"I can just see ----- coming in to borrow the nintendo and picking it up and say hey what's this ..."
"Ok woman I can be down here on my knees all night!'
And I am totally throwing this one in from today because it is as equally great of a memory...
"what about the Big Red One patch?"
Someday when I am very lonely and missing you girls I will look back on this post and read these lines and LAUGH and probably miss you all a little more. I will mostly be laughing at the recurring theme I see here! But at the same time I will be joyously reliving these last few nights out I get to have with you all!
So - It's been dubbed the best night ever! It was pretty great. And I will say we owe it all to my incredible husband! He really came through for us and watched and additional 6 children plus our own 3 for the almost 7 hours! He rocked. It was also so nice to see those kids get some male interaction with all the daddy's deployed. Today some of the girls had to come over so we could practice for an upcoming dance we are doing and they brought their kids back - it was great to see them all crowd M2! I am so thankful that he was courageous enough to do that for us!
Speaking of him - tomorrow is extra special! It's Easter and his birthday!
Here is a GREAT pic of our group!
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