This has been a very long and trying day. As many of you know, M2 landed in the hospital yesterday with a condition known as Rhabdomyolysis. He fell ill Monday and continued to think that he was fine and just sore and tired. Wednesday morning things drastically got worse and I took him to the ER. Thank goodness we did that. He will be in the hospital until his CK(?) levels drop below 4000. They are currently at 36000. Normal peoples are 200. When admitted his were 41000 so we are making some SLIGHT progress going down. Although the staff at the hospital wanted to see that number cut in half by today so we faced a little bit of discouragement with that. Also, today his pain level has increased so I think he is feeling a little discouraged with that as well. He wants to just be home and help with everything and that is not what his body needs right now.
In case I have failed to mention to my blog audience - we have movers coming in THIRTEEN days!! I am trying to take everything in stride but this evening I am falling apart a little. I am so incredibly OVERwhelmed and yet I can't seem to focus enough to make a decision about what I should do at this point. I have family the kids can go and stay with possibly while I get all this stuff here taken care of - but it's the end of E's time here and she needs these last 2 weeks to say goodbye. Or does she? B and EL are facing a little trauma from Daddy being home and all the sudden gone again. I seriously feel paralyzed from making decisions. I am just focusing on the one day at a time in hopes that we will make it through this with everything we need to get done and that M2 will be able to go do this thing he has been SO incredibly passionate about. Because it seems like after everything, just when you think it is all going to be okay ... the ROOF CAVES IN!!
That's not what is happening here though ... I am just venting my current feelings. I know I will wake up tomorrow and be able to just get this all done and I know this is in God's hands.
Prayers for M2 tonight.
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