Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 141 - Finally back!

I am back from my hiatus.

Whew! That was a long move. We are now all moved into our new home and adjusting to this sudden change of pace and place. I was going to use this break from my hiatus to catch everyone up on all that has gone on the last 30 something days and update on M2's health issues but something early this morning on FB caught my eye and I HAD to share it.

I know I sound like a broken record when I say that I met some of the MOST amazing people at Fort Knox but it is so true and worthy of constant repeating! One of those amazing women was "M". "M"'s husband was scheduled to come back early like M2 and go on to a different career path within the military. She was so kind with encouraging words to me when I was feeling guilty over M2 getting to come back and leaving everyone behind. She could empathize. It seemed like as soon as I read those encouraging words and felt like I had a comrade in the making, "M"'s husband was injured. Severely. He lost a leg and the other one was in bad shape. He was coming home early. But not as planned. I have watched through the "notes" "M" has written an amazing strength that encourages me more than anything because honestly - that situation sucks. I have no better words for it. Where some would sit and wail and woe is me - her husband and her and her children have pushed on.

PEOPLE - this is what our soldiers are made out of. THIS is what our families are made out of. Strength. A strength that is hard to comprehend. A strength that is overwhelming.

I wish everyone of you had a chance to meet an "M". To actually see what war is asking, calling of our men and women.

This morning I logged onto FB and her post was first up on my newsfeed. It read

"(M) is tearfully watching a formation of wounded warriors--young men missing limbs, sporting wheelchairs, crutches and canes. All of you who don't care enough to vote--and research your candidates so you know what you are voting for--should have to watch this every day. Whether you wanted it or not, America, this is your war and your responsibility."

This is America's war - this is your war. You are part of it. We are all part of it and we should all bear the burdens of it with those that have borne the cost with the giving of their bodies and lives. Another issue I harp on too much probably but I don't care - that the outside world (non-military) for the most part seems to be forgetting that we are fighting a war still. That men are still giving their limbs and lives for your "freedom". And that wars are always on the horizon and it will take a great leader to navigate the necessary and unnecessary because war is an ugly thing that should be avoided at all cost. So if that's you - then wake up! Go to your nearest Veteran's hospital or wounded warrior post and look at war. It's there. You'll see it in the eyes of those soldiers in that formation.

Remember "M" and her family as they trek along the road of recovery.

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