Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What? It's November?!

November has arrived :(!

M2 graduates his career course tomorrow, which is a reminder that our time here is slowly coming to an end. This place I hated has become home to me! I have fallen in love with our friends here and I am not ready for this to end!

I really am tired of all the moving. All the uprooting. All the starting anew. I am very hopeful that the next place we land will have some sort of permanence to it. Please Army :)! When we get there it will be E's 10th house in 8 years.

November also marks the month M2 will be going off to a school where he will not be allowed any contact, written or otherwise, with the outside world. A month is nothing to us at this point. But no communication is something we have not had to deal with since M2's 03/04 deployment. Technology overseas wasn't all that great back then and he had a lot of longer, away from "camp" missions. So back then we went a month or so without communicating. It was hard. This past deployment the most we went without talking would have been about 4 or 5 days. So, I am not looking forward to not hearing from him at all for this month. Plus, we won't really be having a Thanksgiving since he will not be here. Oh well. There are lots of other friends out there who will be having Thanksgiving without their soldiers as well.

Speaking of that! The 3/1 is nearing the end of it's deployment! I am so happy for all my friends who will soon be holding their loved ones in their arms again! Please continue to be in prayer as these last few weeks/months pass for them and pray especially for safety in their travels home.

Have a happy, thankful month!

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