We are finally finishing up our school year. I am completely thankful for the opportunity to school my children at home but at the same time, May always brings with it the exhaustion of unlimited hours of being at my children's disposal. I am sure that teachers in a traditional classroom feel the same longing for an end come May, possibly sooner!
We have several projects that wrap up our year. The kids each have an end of the year memorization. I posted E's on FB awhile back. Here is a B's!
It's from Joyce Kilmer's "Trees".
E wants it to be known that she wrote the background music herself :)!
Also, E has been writing all year long. We still have a few scattered writing assignments but today's showed to me how far she has come this year. She first had to read a quote from Matthew Henry.
"I thank Thee first because I was never robbed before; second, because, although they took my purse, they did not take my life; third, because although they took my all, it was not much; and fourth, because it was I who was robbed, and not I who robbed."
Her assignment was to think of something that happened in her life that she may not have liked and find what she could be thankful to God for out of that circumstance, using Henry's model. I loved what she turned in!
"I thank Thee first for discipline, for Thy rod, even when it hurts, because without a lesson a hard life I would have, second, I thank Thee for my parents and the command to discipline, third, I thank Thee for my getting disciplined from my parents and not from life itself." - E
I had to giggle when I read it. Good to know that the only hardship she could think of in her life was the discipline lovingly bestowed upon her!
Just a few more weeks and I will be completely satisfied with a year well done!
I am planning a future blog highlighting all the accomplishments that we have made this year - they are numerous and I am so proud of my kiddos!